Before you begin

  1. Make sure you’ve generated and copied the JavaSCript code for the Contact Us widget. If the widget isn’t configured, create it now.
  2. Copy the JavaScript code to your clipboard.

Install the JavaScript code

Custom website

To install the widget, you’ll need to add the code to your website’s HTML header. The code must be installed between the website’s <head> and </head> tags.

Google Tag Manager

  1. If you use Google Tag manager, follow the instructions in this article.

Website provider

  • If your company uses a website provider or content management system (CSM), choose the installation instructions specific to your provider:
    1. Wix
    2. WordPress


  • If you do not see your company’s website provider in the list above, please contact our Customer Care Team.

  • Your website provider or CSM must support the addition of custom plugin installations in your website’s HTML header and footer. Note that some providers may require a higher-tier subscription to enable this feature.

  • Wix only supports custom plugins in the site header for premium plans. For more information, visit the Wix website.

  • WordPress only supports custom plugins in the site header for Business plans. For more information, visit WordPress website.

  • GoDaddy does not support custom plugin installation in HTML headers and footers on websites created with its “Website and Marketing Basic” website builder.