Before you can install the Contact Us widget on your website, you’ll need to create it in Ooma Office Manager. You can do that by following these instructions:

  1. Log in to as an administrator and navigate to the Settings page.
  2. Choose System, then navigate to the Contact Us tab.
  3. Choose Create widget to open the configuration window. If you’ve already created the widget, choose Manage settings instead to make updates.
  4. Fill in the requested fields:
    • My website URL: Your website’s URL. The widget will only be configured to work on this website.
    • Send SMS Message: Select a message box to receive incoming SMS messages from the widget. If there are no message boxes configured for your account, follow the instructions in this article to create one.
    • Headline: The title of the Contact Us widget as it will appear on your website.
    • Greeting: The greeting in the Contact Us window as it will appear on your website.
  5. Save yor changes.

Now that you’ve created your widget, you can copy the widget’s code to your ciipboard by following these instructions:

  1. Log in to as an administrator and navigate to the Settings page.
  2. Choose System, then navigate to the Contact Us tab.
  3. Use the Copy code option to copy the JavaScript code for your Widget when you’re ready to insert it into your website.

Finish up your installation by returning to the overview page and selecting the backend system you use for your webpage from the list in Step 2.