Call Queuespro plus and Ring Groups are both tools to improve the customer experience by connecting a caller with an agent as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Both features send calls to multiple phones for a faster response. A Call Queue is more customizable and powerful than a Ring Group, making it the more appropriate tool for large businesses or businesses with high call volumes.

Call Queues and Ring Groups share the following features:

  • Customizable initial greeting
  • Optional direct phone numbers (available for purchase)
  • Extension numbers that can be assigned to a Virtual Receptionist and accessed by call transfers
  • Multiple call routing options
  • Call handling options for calls that are not answered

A Call Queue offers the following features that a Ring Group does not:

  • Comfort music
  • Consideration for user status (busy or idle) prior to sending a call to a member
  • Round Robin and Most Idle Time routing options
  • Built in time for agents to wrap up one call prior to receiving a new call
  • Call Queue reports and live statistics