As the account administrator, you can review a record of all Virtual Faxes for the company. Follow these instructions to get started:

  1. To see your most recent faxing activity, log in to as an administrator and navigate to the Dashboard page, or open the Ooma desptop app and navigate to the Fax tab. If you would like a more extensive breakdown of Virtual Fax activity, navigate to the Virtual Fax Logs page.
  2. A list of the most recent fax activity will be visible in the Recent Fax Logs section. Click View More Fax Logs for a more detailed breakdown. You can also view individual faxes.
  3. Fax activity can be filtered in the following ways:
    • Search for specific faxes by the sender or recipient’s name or phone number. Keep in mind that if you sent a Virtual Fax to multiple recipients, each recipient will be listed on a separate line.
    • Click the View menu to filter by incoming or outgoing faxes.
    • Click the Download to Computer button to export your fax logs. They will be saved to your computer as a CSV file, which can be opened in Numbers, Excel, and other spreadsheet programs.
    • Search faxes within a date range you specify.
  4. Each fax will have a status associated with it:
    • Success: Outgoing fax was sent successfully.
    • Pending: Outgoing fax is queued or in the process of being sent.
    • Failed: Outgoing fax could not be sent. Confirm the phone number and retry.
    • Received: Incoming fax has been received.