Fax Analytics pro let account admins visualize faxing trends, which can be helpful in gauging productivity and in guiding decisions about staffing needs.

Fax Analytics with Ooma Office allows the administrator to visualize faxing metrics for their Ooma Office account. All graphs are displayed using the account’s time zone, which you can check by following the instructions in this article.

The following faxing metrics are currently available:

  • Fax volume trends – A daily summary of faxing activity. Trends are highlighted for successful incoming and outgoing faxes, as well as faxes that failed to send.
  • Fax metrics by hour of the day – An average of all faxing metrics or of the fax type you choose, broken down by three-hour intervals throughout the day. All days of the week are included in this average.
  • Fax metrics by day of the week – An average of all faxing metrics or of the fax type you choose, broken down by day of the week. All hours of the day are included in this average.
  • Fax distribution – A heatmap of all faxing metrics or of the fax type you choose, broken down into daily three-hour intervals across each day of the week. Time blocks with higher fax counts are given a darker shading than time blocks with lower call counts. This is a combination of fax metrics by day of the week and fax metrics by hour of the day.

Note that this information is aggregated at the account level. At this time, account admins cannot drill down by individual user accounts or filter results by location.

You can find Fax Analytics for your account by logging in to office.ooma.com as an administrator and navigating to Dashboard -> Analytics -> Faxes. Through this interface, you can:

  • Toggle which analytic information you’re visualizing
  • Use the Copy Link button to bookmark a link that will bring you directly back to the report you are viewing.
  • Filter the view of certain reports view by fax type (incoming, outgoing, failure).
  • Filter your view by time range, like today, this week, or this month.
  • Use the ACTIONS menu to download the Fax Analytics graph of your choice as a CSV or a chart.