If you’re constantly on the go, you may wish that your home phone could keep up. Ooma offers numerous ways to make your home phone more mobile. Whether you’d like to have your incoming calls forwarded to you, or simply receive a notification whenever you have a new voicemail, our mobility features can make you as accessible as you want to be, no matter where you are.

call forwarding

Call Forwarding

Just because you're away from home doesn't mean you need to miss your phone calls. Simply configure Call Forwarding tosend all incoming calls straight to another phone number. Learn more.


If you're in and out of the house a lot, sometimes call forwarding isn't quite flexible enough. Multi-Ring lets you answer calls on either your home phone or your cell phone. Learn more.
voicemail notifications

Voicemail Notifications

Enable voicemail notifications and you'll never be in the dark about new voicemails again. Choose between email and text message alerts to let you know each time someone leaves a new voicemail. Learn more.
voicemail forwarding

Voicemail Forwarding

It can be inconvenient to dial in and listen to your voicemail on the phone. With voicemail forwarding, Ooma will automatically attach the voicemail message to your voicemail notification. Listen on any device you can check your email on, including your smartphone! Learn more.
voice to text


Being able to read your voicemail is the ultimate mobile convenience. For a small additional monthly fee, Ooma Voice-to-Text will transcribe your voicemail and sent it to you via text or email. Learn more.
Ooma Home Phone app

Ooma Home Phone app App

Use your smartphone to your advantage with the Ooma Home Phone app app. Make and receive phone calls using your mobile provider's network with cellular mode or your Wi-Fi or 4G data connection with VoIP mode. Learn more.